  Monitor Dynamics consistently meets new customer demands, specifications and requirements by enhancing its SAFEnet Unified Security Platform with a combination of engineering innovation from the MonDyn ALERT (Advanced Logic Engineering & Research Team) Team and a diversified portfolio of industry leading information technology and security partners. These partners assist the ALERT Team in designing and developing new capabilities, software modules, hardware and applications for unification into the SAFEnet Open Architecture Platform. MonDyn Technology Partners are chosen based on the specific needs of current and future customers (the market) and on the method of interoperability of their technology with MonDyn’s current and future product roadmap. With assistance from these valued partners, MonDyn continues to dedicate itself to manufacturing products that deliver enterprise-level solutions - to solve complex security challenges - in the most dynamic multi-site environments across the globe

MonDyn believes that by working with a diversified group of partners, who are driven by technical innovation, it can enhance its customer’s ability to secure their people, facilities and assets while reducing operational security costs across the enterprise.

Click on a logo below to learn more about our partner companies.

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